The Process


Fill Out the Form

Fill out the quick contact form on the contact page. Include your preference in terms of session type, location, etc. I'll be in touch within 24 hours.


Secure The Details

Once we've confirmed the date, you will receive your invoice to pay your non-refundable retainer. We will select your location and sign your contract.


Planning & Session

You'll receive a prep guide, and style guide prior to your session. This will set you up for success! Then the fun part -

Get ready to dance, laugh, love, and maybe even have some happy tears at your session.



Arguably the best part, right?! You'll get your images delivered through a private online gallery within 2-3 weeks of your session date! Events take up to 6 weeks with sneak peeks within 5 business days.

baby girl milestone walking
mom holding baby dad hugging
family holding baby girl mountain
cowboy fence milestone
if you don't see a question you have please email me

Do you require a retainer or deposit?

I do require a non-refundable Retainer. The retainer is non-refundable and goes towards your package price. The retainer price is based off of your session/event.

(A deposit and retainer are different terms, I do not use deposit in any contracts, or wording)

How should we dress for our session?

Once you're session is on the books, we begin the individualized styling process. I will build a specific wardrobe guide for you and your session. However, neutrals, white, denims and creams are always a good choice!

What’s the best time to have a session

I am a natural light photographer and prefer sessions 1-2 hours within sunset. This gives off the best lighting.

Do you only do outdoor sessions?

No, I also use studios all throughout Arizona. Additional fees are required to book a studio session. Prices vary depending on which studio is selected

How soon will I receive my images?

After a regular portrait, family or couple's session, your photos will arrive by digital gallery within 2-3 weeks. Events will be delivered within 4-5 weeks. I offer a rush fee if you need your photos sooner - just ask. Thank you so much in advance for your patience with me! I take my time in the editing process so that every photo is up to my standards.

Can i print my images myself?

Yes! All my galleries include a print release. This gives you the option to print from your own print shops. I do highly recommend printing through print shots versus drugstores such as Walgreens and CVS.